Who are We?
AltTech was founded as a Registered Trust in 2004. In recent years, it focuses entirely on accelerating sustainability and has gained rapid traction.
Three key drivers are Public Campaigns , Education for Sustainability Professionals , and Greening Projects.
Alttech Foundation today works with Global Water Works in Wisconsin, The International Center for Clean Water at IIT- Madras, the Indian Plumbing Association, and other leading groups who see the dire need for change in the World of Water

Our Partners

Learn from Industry leaders at Foundation Green. Our modules are curated by doyens of industry and delivered right to your home pc or mobile phone. Explore a range of industry relevant sustainability practices via a convenient E-Leaning platform and become a green professional.
A certified Foundation Green professional will be able to walk into a hotel or apartment building and assess the daily demand within 15 minutes. What's more, they will be able to offer a broad framework of solutions that can bring down water use by 30 percent at the minimum.
Foundation Green will transform the way you manage operating costs and improve your company's earnings. Foundation Green goes beyond the technical, to managerial and strategic.

World Of Water- Action Forum
The World of Water (WoW) Action Forum persuades water users of the City
YOU and I to be part of the solution. With simple choices to
Reusing water
Recalibrating measuring systems.
Reaping the harvest of rains that can be used for 2-3 months a year
Recharging water into the ground
Reducing usage with simple mechanisms.
Working with WoW will help you pick the right solutions, at much better costs.

Fundraising Initiatives
Access to safe water is an absolute necessity for everyone around the world, and taking on the issue of ensuring access to safe water requires worldwide effort.
We know you also envision a better world, where all have access to safe water and living conditions that allow for empowerment and development.
By donating to a foundation whose mission resonates with your values, we can change many lives for the better, together