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E-Learning | Online Assessments | Live Projects | Mentorship from Experts 


What is Foundation G?

Foundation G is not just a professional development programme. Its essence is in helping professionals think green while unraveling solution approaches that can reduce costs financially and ecologically.

Foundation G will transform the way you manage operating costs and improve your company's earnings. Foundation G goes beyond the technical, to the managerial and the strategic.

It also helps senior professionals who want to cut to the chase, and who need to get under the skin of the cost and solutions of different climate challenges we have Foundation G.

A certified Foundation G professional will be able to walk into a hotel or apartment building and assess the daily demand within 15 mins. What's more, s/he will be able to offer a broad framework of solutions that can bring down water use by 30 percent at the minimum.

It is a compact capsule that brings you case studies on water/ energy from sectors like Hospitality, Healthcare, Educational Campuses, IT parks, and such like. It offers many intense hours  of online modules from mentors who present  real-life challenges on management of energy, water, waste and Air conditioning.

Online and Interactive

These interactive online sessions are intense on understanding solutions, technologies, design approaches, and critically costs of various solution directions.

Programme Schedule 

These learning modules are hosted online and can be take up at your convenience.

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An info-packed programme helping you evolve a Ready Reckoner on the dynamics of daily demand for water on any building and solutions you can craft, design & devise

Course Overview


Learning Outcome

Learning by Doing

This module explains how the programme helps you turn into a smart water management professional.

Water & You

This explains how to relate the water-use of you as an individual and the Big Picture at the city level.

Carbon Footprint & You

How do you measure your own carbon emission for different activities? How much does water add to the challenge?

Water Science

The Journey of water from its source to storage, changes in properties, assessing losses that occur on its way, the science behind water and the process to improve

Dr Hariharan Chnadrashekar.png

Dr Hariharan Chandrashekhar

Duration : 03:00 Hrs

Properties of Water Module

Decoding a water report. Parameters of water, different types of treatment processes.

Status : Live Now

Watershed Management

The basics of watershed management. What are watershed management structures, and how do they save money while doing good to land?

Healing Our Rivers 

The module presents a river's journey from its source, and approaches to restoring / healing the catchment. It gives us insights into harnessing its potential to recharge and use.

Top 10 Learning Outcomes

Industry Leaders offer top managers priceless experience on how to secure value engineering that brings best value for your customers, for purchases and supply chain, for execution, for maintenance, and for the company’s profits and brand outlook on responsible sustainable approaches for the future..


How to pitch decisions with costs, returns, risks, and benefits mapped.


How to identify problems, craft a solution framework, map scenarios, evaluate financial and non-financial parameters.


Each hourly capsule will have co-creation case exercises for teams with mentors for each team to hand-hold the learning-by-doing..


Learn structuring of operational challenges and connecting challenges at different levels with an understanding of inter-linkages.


Learn to create solution frameworks with metrics and numbers, costs, materials, and quantities.


Develop capacity to address technical, financial and managerial challenges.


Effectively communicate solution arrangements to decision-makers and stakeholders on company’s bottom line needs.


How to present a business case to clients and management.


Develop ability to define carbon reduction for various types of buildings – homes, hotels, hospitals, offices, school campuses – with special focus on hotels and operations.


Work with new approaches that are trans-disciplinary, and practical on management learning.

Program Highlights


Interactive real-time online sessions


Upskill for Leadership


Higher Job Prospects


Award Winning Experienced Mentors


Learn at Your Own Pace


Project Co-Creation by Doing


Peer Sharing


Online and Interactive


Case Studies of Live Projects


Get a glimpse of the mentors in action.

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