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21 Edition
Feb 2022


(Here are thought-provoking excerpts from the meeting of WOW Bangalore #27 of January 29, 2022)

When malls and IT parks kill lakes…..

Bangalore city has already lost 30% of its traditional rainwater harvesting bodies like lakes, ponds etc. Because of the massive urbanisation we have already destroyed these kinds of structures. For example- In the south space arena was known as Solu Kere. Now a nice mall is built on top of it and most of the water comes onto the Outer Ring Road whenever it rains. So we Bengalurians should know how to address these kinds of problems ? 

- Ganesh Shanbhag, WOW Bangalore Core Member

Bengaluru receives 900mm of rain each year. We can surely meet our wants up to 73.5% if we cast the rain that is falling on your roof top, road surface, playgrounds, and parks and store it appropriately. It is impossible to demolish all of the structures that have been constructed. We need to restore the lakes and groundwater levels before we can solve the problem of water spilling onto the roadways scientifically. If we bring them back to their former glory. If we allow water to enter the bodies of water. If the encroachment is removed, we will be able to store water in the water bodies. Water bodies may be used as storage reservoirs and for a variety of ecological initiatives, such as groundwater recharging and satisfying our needs.

- Dr. Vijay U T

36,000 tanks, 15,000 ponds !

Can you not impress upon the government to spend more on the traditional harvesting system like reviving the lakes, regenerating the lakes. We have around 80 lakes that you said can the government not do something along this? Can it not be made compulsory for all apartments to implement rainwater harvesting? 

- Suresh A Pai, WOW Bengaluru Mission Director.


Some suggestions to improve the implementation, operation and maintenance of TWHs in Karnataka:


1.  Make the villagers and population around the TWH the impact it is having on the water availability and productivity of the area.

2.  Make them stakeholders by having them pay 20% of the cost of restoration of the TWH, and take full responsibility for operation and maintenance.

3.  Educate the youth of the village of the importance of TWH in the economy of the area and in the health of the population.  I have been involved in restoring a full covered TWH in TN where the villagers

(1100) contributed 30% of the cost (including the cost of labor), the panchayat contributed 40% and some private donors contributed 30%. Now the reservoir is maintained by the villagers and has improved the local economy significantly.

4.  Build a 1 m high wall around the TWH so it is not polluted by the villagers and they draw water from a few locations along the wall.

- Dr Raj Rajaram, Chicago 

27 ways to harvest rainwater …..

So urbanisation has led to apartment complexes in Bangalore. Are the present guidelines for rainwater harvesting enough for apartments to be self sufficient? Also, is KSCST also a stakeholder in making laws with BWSSB right?

- Ganesh Shanbhag, WOW Bangalore Core Member

It was made possible with the help of my colleagues and me. If we make rainwater harvesting mandatory and implement it according to the video basis speech, we will save more water even after meeting our requirement. 

Yes! We've had a significant part to play. We have developed a theme park in Jayanagar 40th cross for people in Bangalore and to raise awareness about rainwater harvesting. In the park, we are displaying 27 various forms of rainwater harvesting as well as groundwater recharge technologies. The park has an area of 1.4 acres.

- Dr. Vijay U T

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Sir M Visvesvaraya Rain Water Harvesting Theme Park


Pavers that percolate water 

Dr. Vijay, have you been into policy making? What have you decided about the commercial complexes that are existing on roads which are not very broad roads also. I have personally seen flooding happening and cars floating on the Hosur Road which is a broad road. It is very dangerous because suddenly the water comes flowing onto the roads.

- Mamtha B.S, WOW Bangalore Core Member

We are using a lot of rainfall gathering systems, both surface water and groundwater. In Bangalore, we created designs for over 6000 parts. The BBMP and the associated subdivisions have taken up some of them. Surface water pouring down roadways can be alleviated with good drainage and occasional groundwater recharge along drainages. It is up to the local governments to put the plan into action.

We are always available to assist both BWSSB and BBMP on a technical level, not only in Bangalore but across our state. For rainwater collecting, we made a thorough design that is published on our website. We are constantly available to assist domestic residents, business complexes, and government agencies with technical issues.

- Dr. Vijay U T


These are extracts of conversations of WOW members in the Core Executive Group. Add your comments, views

Vijayaraj Shishodya working on groundwater recharge in railways

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WhatsApp Image 2022-02-02 at 7.32.19 PM.jpeg
WhatsApp Image 2022-02-02 at 7.32.18 PM.jpeg

Recharging of groundwater and also avoiding flooding in between tracks  in the south western Railways .

Through innovative Farmland V-wire injection well technology.

-  Vijayaraj Shishodya

Super. This has to be practised all across flooding areas. It is a double benefit of flood reduced and groundwater recharged

- Neel Mathews


Horizontally drilling in open wells to enhance the availability of water . It is highly successful

Vijayaraj Shishodya


Horizontal drilling? Seen only by cabling and plumbing teams. Some photos would help us propagate. Or one session by you

-  Neel Mathews

2 1    E A S Y    W A Y S    T O    S A V E    W A T E R    I N    B E N G A L U R U

“Price the water in your apartment right.”


It's raining now and then, and you've probably forgotten how tough it was to find water in Bengaluru during the previous dry summer. Those days, however, must not be forgotten, as Bengaluru is already drawing excessive water from the Cauvery River, and difficulties will inevitably arise in the future. Every drop you conserve today will aid you in the future.

Here are 21 ways to conserve water at home/ apartment. These tips have been shared by our reader, Anup Jose A.

3    R E M A R K A B L E    E X A M P L E S   O F    W A T E R    C O N S E R V A T I O N S

“Bengaluru city is facing severe water shortage and among the worst hit are the newly-developed areas and the IT corridors.”


It’s a disappointing fact, but Bengaluru has gone far from being the beautiful green and beautiful city of lakes to the city of concrete. This problem can be attributed to the city enticing a lot of immigrants from all over the country due to its vibrant culture, ideal weather and booming IT industries. Unquestionably, the rapidly growing population and speeding construction activities have put a huge strain on the city’s natural resources and led to the depletion of the wells and lakes – This is exactly why all the water disappeared.

There are many inspiring individuals and citizen groups who are perfectly answering the common question – How can we conserve water? These individuals are experimenting with different effectual methods to conserve water and working loyally to save every single drop of it. Realising the importance of water conservation, we bring for you today, 3 remarkable examples from Namma Bengaluru that enlighten the ways to how we can conserve water.

W A T E R N A M A  -  T R A D I T I O N A L    P R A C T I C E S    O F    W A T E R   

H A R V E S T I N G    I N    K A R N A T A K A

“The book produced by Communication for Development and Learning details traditional practices for water conservation and management in Karnataka”


CDL (Center for Development Learning, Bangalore, ) released their book documenting traditional water management practises.


The book is a unique resource of valuable information on a mix of indigenous water conservation and management systems in Karnataka. Some of these time-tested systems have faded away and have been replaced by new technologies of water management.


Yet indigenous systems continue to be relevant, even today. If revived and adopted, many of these practices can be used to address the water shortage that faces us today. This book in English is an attempt to document some of the traditional practises with the hope that it catches the attention of water activists and policy makers.



The WOW Action Forum hosts Commendation Awards every quarter and bestows the                                                                  on all Big Water-Savers who save and so ‘donate’ water to the city by consuming less fresh water in the interest of making water-positive cities.



Alt. Tech Foundation is a not-for-profit, for-industry Foundation for

(i) producing sustainability managers and leaders,
(ii) providing green management skill sets,

(iii) hosting city-wide campaigns for citizen collective action to save water & energy,

(iv) purposing research for city infrastructure.

WOW Action Forum is a globally pioneering effort for bringing collective private action to save very large quantities of water at apartments, at Industry, at tech parks, or hotels and hospitals or malls and other such buildings. The 2021 mission is set to save 1000 Cr lites with community-led action. This alone will bring a saving of 236 Cr in electricity bills for the city, and a reduction in carbon emission of nearly 300,000 tonnes equivalent.

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