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05 Edition
Oct 2021


Here are memorable excerpts from the meeting of WOW TechTalk #04

We encountered problems in Bangalore with huge malls that had a lot of waste water. We install systems at our investment and charge for them on
a per-litre basis. As a result, it is now entirely our obligation to provide them with water of the appropriate quality, and the customer is no longer
responsible for equipment or upkeep. It becomes an appropriate model with a win-win situation for all parties involved. So I believe it is a path
forward for all of our country's cities.

- Vikas Brahmavar, Director of Trans water System Pt Ltd.


I'm constantly anxious about how much anything will cost. The price of creating new items. The issue with many water treatment methods is that
after you set up a system and take a sample, it takes approximately 1-2 weeks to see if what you're doing is correct. Then you switch it around and
collect another sample to re-evaluate. As a result, it's a lengthy procedure. They could solve it in a fraction of the time if they had real-time data.
Real time data is a benefit with a time value of money.

- Rick Bacon, CEO at Aqua Metrology Systems Ltd.


If we can get real-time data into water treatment plants, we could do it at the input level, where there is seasonal change in water quality and the
pace of withdrawal can also cause issues. I believe that data analytics has a lot of potential. You'll be gathering massive amounts of data in real
time that may be used to forecast future patterns in regions where it could develop or vanish.

- E Nandakumar, CEO of International Centre for Clean Water, IT Madras, Research Park

We began by examining data from rural areas where we receive orders. First we inspect the water in the area. People mistakenly believe that their
location has an abnormally high concentration of a specific chemical due to different sources, which is false. Our filter does not use any electricity.
It's as simple as plugging it in. We've demonstrated how to plug and play in remote areas. They can access all of my system's components and use
the nanomaterial by plugging it into the cartridge. The change in the water may be seen after usage. They will have to replace the material, which is
entirely hazard-free, after 2-3 years. The AMC model's filtering is entirely different from ours. This irritates business people. But this is just what
India requires.

- Watson Chandrasekaran


These are extracts of conversations of WOW members in the Core Executive Group. Add your comments, views


Learn from Children

Listen to Niharika. Those who don't know Kannada will have a challenge but you will get the drift of this precious child.

- Hari Haran

If the thought process of this small child is imbibed into every individual then it's a totally different story.

- Murali Anur

Lucky that I could understand the spoken Kannada language quite well. WOW should invite Niharika for one of our Sessions along with at least 10 school children drawn from 2 or 3 schools. Children will listen to Children. Elders also will listen to Children.

- U V S Rao

Natural Water Purifiers

Work must start at the Ground Level. I believe the main reasons for caving in of night soil piping through parts of the old city are tree roots and extreme groundwater sinking. For road construction, old tree roots were removed. Soil pipes are damaged over decades by decay and termites and even rats chewing them.
I'd appreciate it if anyone in this group has comparable fears to mine and can remark on them. Scientists took decades to conclude that hydrofluorocarbons are to blame for ozone depletion. God alone knows what the state of the ozone layer is today; with Covid, Afghanistan, and other issues, people appear to have completely forgotten about it. Greta Tunberg recently told an audience in August that all countries are doing a lot about climate change without doing much at the ground level.

- U V S Rao

Effect of trees being removed

I believe the main reasons for caving in are soil piping through old city tree roots and extreme groundwater sinking. For road construction, old tree roots were removed. Soil pipes are formed by decay and termites.

- Neel Mathews

A proud savings

Water shortage is imminent. Do rainwater harvesting. Make your own family from water positive. Let the remaining water flow into the ground. Let us bring ground water up. Let us stop the groundwater depletion.

- Neel Mathews

Only if we would have harvested all the rainfall

One day's rain in Hyderabad, had rain water entering a cinema theatre in Dilsukhnagar. Classic example of need for Flood Water Harvesting (FWH) in Cities. Will Town planning experts in Govts & forums like WOW initiate this in whatever capacity they can. With 100 % flood water Harvesting no city can go dry.

- U V S Rao

This had to happen one day . When we are encroaching rivers. lakes. ponds. Streams man's greed has no limits.

- Vijayaraj

What a pity. A theatre built with advanced technology has overlooked basic water management. This is why I have been saying that more than residences, commercial buildings should have RWH, and ST recycle.
This might cause a short circuit. It is high time experts like you all made strong representation to the Government of India saying it's a huge financial loss to the country. Whenever I got big orders for Lights from Asian Electronics, it was only because of my request that the CFO of the company should be present. Nobody understands energy saving, water saving etc… I think we should make representation to the finance minister from WOW.

- B S Mamtha

If all complexes - residential, commercial, factories, fully harvested the entire Rainfall received on their premises, there will be no discharge into storm drains and so no flooding!
If the city designs and maintains storm water drains well, all Rainfall in common spaces of the city would be channeled into nearby lakes and waterways.
There can be no flooding at all anywhere, even cinemas!

- Luke Dhanaraj

BIAL floods like other airports in India

First it was Kochi. Then the airport at Mumbai had serious flooding. We saw the Delhi airport pouring roof water into the lounge areas. BIAL in Bengaluru was the last with pictures of a foot of rain right up to the car drive. SEE FILM LINK. Here are some of WOW members sharing their grief and ideas, BIAL has an excellent rainwater harvesting system.. Infact I am told their annual recharge quantity exceeds their existing requirement.

- Vikram Gulecha

The rainwater valley harvesting system which was between the CISF junction and the Cargo complex has been covered up and only a small channel is now present there. The entire area is now covered up and a parking lot is coming up there.

- V K Saxena

Inner driveways and parking lot floors can be wisely made into water storage. Need a bit of planning. The roof of the tank can become the solid floors for driveways. This is what we did in Vivekananda school.

- Neel Mathews

I shall share the suggestion with the BIAL CEO for consideration, if not implemented yet.
- Vikram Gulecha

I guess they should create an artificial lake to store the rainwater from the "huge catchment area of the airport". You may like to suggest this as well.

- Ravikumar Gurumurti


P R E M    J A I N    M E M O R I A L    T R U S T

World Green Building Week, organised by PJMT, is an annual campaign that encourages everyone to participate in green building projects. Where they call on the construction industry, policymakers, and the government to act quickly to deliver net zero buildings. The programme has three goals: community, environment, and net zero buildings for economics. PJMT is affiliated with the International Green Building Council and is backed by the National Real Estate Development Association and other important organisations. Each session is led by a rising star in the sustainability field.


Session 1 : New Trends in Sustainable Building Design

"If you can change the way you think about buildings, maybe what you will do will change the world"
Mr. Rajeev Talwar, Mr. V Suresh, and Dr. Hariharan Chandra arrive at this event with a wealth of knowledge and insight into what will take place over the week. They discuss the importance of providing pakka houses to people all over India. We must assist and give basic housing to all slums and unregistered residents. There will be no immigrants because everyone will own a home. This is also beneficial to women and children. All of the conveniences will be within easy reach. Green buildings can be rented for as little as 50 rupees per day. Everyone nowadays is concerned about the environment. All structures, whether commercial, residential, or mixed-use, must be green. The architectural form, height, and green plantation must all be considered. An effort must be made, and one may be made, to restore this ecosystem
to its previous state. We must reuse plastics when new materials arrive. We must rely on renewable energy sources such as air and water. We should strive for clean, healthy air and water. To be a responsible citizen, we must recycle on our own property. We need to create more sites where water can be recycled multiple times. Check dams are necessary in rural regions. As a result, the GRIHA rating will encourage us to construct more of these structures.


Session 2 : Passive Cooling Traditional Technologies and A historical Perspective

Passive solar architecture is distinguished by the absence of any electrical or mechanical components. The sun's heat creates air motions that can be predicted in well-designed areas. Design features, material selections, and positions that might offer heating or cooling effects are all influenced by Solar heat. Overhangs or shades on south-facing windows, shade trees, thermal masses, and cross ventilation are the most basic passive solar cooling techniques.

Microclimate and site design, solar control, natural vegetation, building form and layout, and thermal insulation are all examples of passive cooling prevention approaches. Natural ventilation, night flushing, radiative cooling, direct radiant cooling, indirect radiant cooling, evaporative cooling, and earth coupling are among the modulation and heat dissipation techniques covered. We gain a better understanding of these strategies by incorporating Indian architecture. Courtyards, which are common in traditional Indian residences and havelis, are an outstanding example of cooling designs. Shading devices like Jaalis and screens were also popular. Natural cooling can be accomplished by blocking solar radiation and so lowering heat transport. Water bodies such as ponds, tanks, rivers, fountains, and reservoirs are another option. Towers with wind catchers were also used, It's a tail-capped tower with one side open at the top facing the direction of the prevailing wind.

Session 3 : Going digital model long infrastructure resilience for sustainable urban development 

To make your food, you'll need 65-75 percent water. Our requirements and availability are vastly different. Water makes about 70% of our planet's surface, but only 4% of it is valuable to us, namely fresh water. Bengaluru is India's IT capital, and to access fresh water and contact ground level water, you must drill 1200 metres. Rice cultivation in south India necessitates a large amount of water.
We study about how building energy is used around the world and in the United States, as well as how energy is used in residential and commercial buildings. We can now capture any picture device and use it in our work because we live in the digital age. We learn about long cities and their effects on the environment. And how cities can be turned into models using BIM software, and how security can be added to and improved in cities. It assists us in doing analyses and case studies for projects in the area. We also gain a sense of the transportation infrastructure, including ramps and traffic flow. Other digital data of water and storm infrastructure may be found, flooding prone locations can be identified, and integrating thermography and photogrammetry can help collect data on which buildings have troubles and where
insulation fails. Agent-based simulation allows us to see how individuals move across places in order to make more efficient decisions.
As a result, 3D digital models make understanding our structures and communities, as well as their connections with the environment, much easier.
They offer a long-standing method for assessing hazards, resilience, and sustainability challenges at the individual building, neighbourhood, and city scales across a variety of disciplines.

Session 4 - Building Resilience for climate, people and economies 

This epidemic raises awareness of opportunities to address the climate catastrophe, improve human health and equity, and boost our economies. And building resilience isn't something that can be done in a vacuum or with a one-size-fits-all approach. Buildings account for 38 percent of worldwide energy-related carbon emissions and half of all mined materials. 4 billion people are at risk from climate change, and 91 percent of the world's population lives in polluted areas. By 2050, the world's building stock will have doubled, greatly boosting our sector's effect. Its high demand for natural resources hastens climate change, and inefficient, unhealthy structures have a negative impact on our lives. There are 17 objectives for creating sustainable designs. Affordable and clean energy, climate action, life on land, goal partnerships, good health and well being, clean water and sanitation, reduced inequalities, sustainable cities and communities, decent work and economic growth, industry innovation and infrastructure, and responsible consumption and production are some of the goals. We discover how investing in resilience benefits everyone.
These objectives must be pursued in order to achieve economic progress and a healthy environment.

Session 5 - Simplifying Sustainability for all 

Sustainability should encompass more than simply buildings; it should encompass our way of life. Sustainability is a journey with various origins but the same objective. Brundtland characterised it as "meeting current requirements without jeopardising future generations' ability to meet their own needs."
It is a lifelong journey undertaken by every individual, community, or stakeholder who begins by doing our part, acting deliberately, caring for the environment, and considering the concepts of conservation and preservation from the heart. We must follow this road and contribute to environmental protection.

In the world's largest countries, we study about sustainability and climate change. We study about various countries' strategies and ambitions. India is a massive country with one of the world's most populous populations. We have the highest rate of resource depletion, thus we must practise green living and make it a habit. Niti Aarogya 2021 teaches us about urban planning capacity.

I N T E R D I S C I P L I N A R Y    W A T E R    M A N A G E M E N T    A P P R O A C H    T O

M I T I G A T E    C L I M A T E    C H A N G E



Engineers' Day was celebrated on September 15th. Their contributions drew a lot of positive attention. Muni Rawal describes their contributions throughout the last century. Engineers found solace in the construction of large structures; mechanical engineers in the intricacies of hardware; urban planners in doughnut expansion and ring highways; and urban landscape specialists in beauty and aesthetics. Everyone took so much money out of the (soil) bank account that it was depleted.

250 years ago, Kabir Saab issued a warning. No one seemed to notice. Kabir is now recited in auditoria with large environmental footprints. And we're talking about affordability, sustainability, poverty reduction, and taking a cover of innovative technology.
So what do you think?

W H Y    D O    O U R   A I R P O R T    C I T Y    A R E A S    F L O O D  ?

Some stalwart urban planners and policy players did an exchange in early September on the shocking flooding of our international airports. Here are some voices.
Even a slightly heavy rain causes disastrous flooding in our cities. See how easily our showpiece airports IGI T3 Delhi, CIAL Kochi are prone to flooding.

Shocking! Hydraulics and drainage paths not fully taken care of in extreme intense rains? Modern airports and city developments like aero cities are getting flooded by heavy rains. Is there a planning failure?

download (1).jpg

At CIAL the flooding happened by a coincidence of factors including siting the airport in a flood plain, unscientific dam management, extraordinarily heavy rains and perhaps design failure.

Combination of effects
The New Mumbai airport is coming up in swampy land. Chennai Airport is on the Adyar river bed. How many more? I don't know. is this a of planning or their failure against the land mafia?
Aero City in Mumbai is on higher ground. But the Main terminals are in low lying land. A recipe for disaster. This is the second serious flood there in Bombay and the roofing system is inherently defective!
I think land availability is a key concern. Japan has a similar problem with the airport they built in the sea for want of land. Chennai airport has it's second runway across the Adyar river and the bridge (~200m × 450m) has 400 odd pillars in the river bed and we wonder why it floods?

Basically low lying land should not be considered 'available'.The problem is the benami land ownership by politicians! Whole of the The Netherlands is below sea level …."the lands under'. But with dyke and bund protection they have developed. What we want is strong hydraulics and engineering, as well as hydraulic path clearing via a smart, adequate, and resilient drainage system. On this front, we're failing horribly. For most cities, we don't have much of a staff working on it. Intensity and long-term consistency will provide higher and greater precipitation. According to the IPCC report, this is related to the consequences of climate change. Everyone believes that drainage is a natural process. It will eventually make its way down to lower levels. Other factors include the blockage of hydraulic pathways due
to land grabs for all development requirements, as well as the closure of tanks, eris, and lakes.


Clearing land for construction without a commensurate diversionary or alternative hydration system. The Netherlands has an elaborate pumping system that keeps subsoil water levels in control. But we don't have to create a problem and run around to solve it. Why not let the low lying areas be!?
We continue to 'conveniently forget' water while planning and implementing various projects. And then blame weather and nature for disasters that were co-created by us. It may be possible to save CIAL from future flooding through engineering measures. But the challenge is to do that without increasing flood vulnerability of adjacent places

Basically you can't work AGAINST water, you have to work WITH it!


Connaught place today! Lack of proper storm water drainage clearance capacity. Too much development above, below and around CP. Where will the water go?

Kerala is the land that Parashurama recovered from the sea with his axe. As the sea level rises and climate change causes river flooding, a flood prevention strategy is needed. The backwaters will play an important role in both preserving the land from flooding and the state's economic growth. It is determining the priority in terms of understanding our budgets. We now have a project with a potential budget of R 1.5 lakh crores. Politicians enjoy because it provides them with a lot of opportunities.

C A T C H    T H E    R A I N    W I T H    N E W   R W H    R U L E ,   B A N G A L O R E    

- The Bangalore Water Supply and sewerage Bill was approved by the Karnataka legislative assembly, making it mandatory for buildings built or to be erected on an area of 2,325 sq ft to 10,763 sq ft to install rainwater harvesting structures for storage, usage, and groundwater recharging. Rainwater collection is also mandatory for plots of 30-40 feet, although it is not required that the gathered water be used. Old houses built on 30-40 foot lots are exempt from the ordinance.
- Buildings with a plot size of more than 10,763 square feet must have a dual piping system and rainwater harvesting structures for storage and usage other than drinking, cooking, and bathing.
- The amendment will "reduce the dependence on Cauvery water, reduce the flow of stormwater drains, mitigate urban flooding, manage the summer peak demand through groundwater charging, provide freshwater source through rainwater harvesting where the groundwater quality is poor and mandate rainwater harvesting as the rain harvested water is free, readily available and has no distribution cost."
- If any of the following conditions are not met, a penalty of 50% will be added to the water bill


The WOW Action Forum hosts Commendation Awards every quarter and bestows the                                                                        on all Big Water-Savers who save and so ‘donate’ water to the city by consuming less fresh water in the interest of making water-positive cities.



Alt. Tech Foundation is a not-for-profit, for-industry Foundation for

(i) producing sustainability managers and leaders,
(ii) providing green management skill sets,

(iii) hosting city-wide campaigns for citizen collective action to save water & energy,

(iv) purposing research for city infrastructure.

WOW Action Forum is a globally pioneering effort for bringing collective private action to save very large quantities of water at apartments, at Industry, at tech parks, or hotels and hospitals or malls and other such buildings. The 2021 mission is set to save 1000 Cr lites with community-led action. This alone will bring a saving of 236 Cr in electricity bills for the city, and a reduction in carbon emission of nearly 300,000 tonnes equivalent.

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